The Reaffirmation of Parliamentary Democracy and Accountability is not a Party Political Issue

By Professor Kate Moss The Supreme Court has today given its judgement on the prorogation of Parliament and in a nutshell it has said four things;   The Prime Minster’s advice to Her Majesty to prorogue Parliament was unlawful. The actual prorogation of Parliament was unlawful and is therefore void. Parliament has not therefore been …

Feeling Supported & Growing Whilst Studying Abroad

By Simona Poorova (First Year International Relations and Diplomacy student).   I am from Slovakia and I always knew I wanted to move away for my studies but I never knew where I end up.  I applied to the International Relations and Diplomacy course with the exchange to the Hague, because I had always been interested in the world around …

The Positive Ripple Effect of Starting University After Having Children

By Jo Easom, (Year 2, BSc (Hons) Criminology) I made the decision to start university at the age of 43 years of age. I was a single parent working for a term time only wage and facing the horror of the universal credit system. I knew I needed a future for myself and my youngest …

5 Self-Care Tips from a Student’s Perspective.

By Beth Hicking (First Year BSc Hons Criminology) University is fun and a great phase in life of learning new things about your subject, yourself and the world around you.  For some, at times looking after yourself at university is difficult.  Something that I found out not long after beginning my degree. I was excited …

Your Library Is Here To Help

By Caroline Ball – Subject Librarian (Law and Social Sciences) The transition from school, college or the workplace to university can be an intimidating one – it’s a new environment, lots of new people, strange faces, new academic expectations – and it’s no surprise many students find themselves feeling a little lost when it comes …

Being a Joint Honours Student

By Abbie Charmin (Second year BSc Hons Criminology & Sociology) I am a Joint honours student and during my time at University I have read lots of articles presenting the ‘top ten tips to succeed at university’ or ‘how to make the most of university’, however, an issue with these articles is the idea that …

How To Become More Employable At University

By Alisha Batkin (Second year BA Hons Law with Criminology) When I first came to university, I was continually told about the importance of filling up my CV with as many extra-curricular activities as possible during my 3 years here rather than just working toward a degree.  I never truly understood the importance of this …

State Agency Responses To Sex Workers Need To Change to Increase The Safety Of Women Working On The Streets

Image from: By Georgia Brewin (Third year BSc Hons Criminology) Public opinion surrounding sex work is not positive. Prostitutes are largely forgotten about or overlooked in society, the media and in academic theory. Before starting university, I also disregarded sex workers as I lacked education on the subject. Studying criminology and victimology at the …